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Remote Ski Electrodes for ENS and advanced devices (€1​,​225)

SKI electrodes are remote attachments compatible with ENS, Cosmodic and Slider devices. They are ideal for treatment of small and difficult to reach areas, for cosmetology applications, for treatment of children, for self treatment, for treating patients, and for veterinary applications. Often therapists find they have to lean over a client, this can be a strain if there is a long dosing time, especially if you want to keep an eye on the Dose progression on the device. In addition treating your own back can also be problematic - the solution most people use is to lean on a soft pillow to hold the device in place, in which case it is impossible to see the Dose progression on the screen, or hear the audio signal. SKI electrodes are ideal for both of these situations, allowing the therapist to keep an eye on the proceedings while maintaining a comfortable position. €1,225 (Includes free shipping to the US and Canada) NOTE: these electrodes are only compatible with the more advanced devices, not the Basic SCENAR.

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