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Basic SCENAR (first generation - €690)

There are 3 primary effects from SCENAR: energy the body can use for healing; improved communications and undoing of blockages; stimulation of neuropeptide production (the body’s natural pharmacy). SCENAR uses electrodes connected to the skin to input electrical frequencies. The impulses mimic a pain signal and this is supported by a biofeedback mechanism which works to stimulate adaptive responses by the body. It is considered a very fast, ‘masculine’, pushing device for extremely quick effective healing (not regeneration), repair, and pain relief. The price includes instructions to get up-and-running immediately. SCENAR is perfect for pain, rapid healing, massage, and the energy cleanse. Price includes membership, project donation and sponsorship. Indications (use for): Pain Healing Inflammation Oedema (swelling ​/​ fluid retention) Circulation Swelling Allergies Blood clotting Fever Spastic conditions (spasms, muscle tone, muscle reactions) Normalisation of functions Metabolism General state, including sleep, mood and appetite Hormonal issues Shock Contraindications: Intoxication. Don’t treat anyone intoxicated (drugs or alcohol). Risk to therapist. Severe mental problems. During healing processes sometimes underlying issues come to the surface, and short term exacerbations can occur, creating elevated risk for therapists and patients. Heart pacemaker. There are no known issues of Scenar therapy interfering with pacemakers, however pacemakers can stop at any time, opening up a potential and coincidental legal risk for the therapist. The general advice is to treat indirectly and to consult a specialist in advance. Heart problems arrhythmia, fibrillation. These issues can cause thrombotic clots in the heart. Scenar works slowly and progressively with these issues, however this treatment is best performed by a qualified specialist. Unknown contagious diseases. There is no risk to the patient, but there may be legal risks for the therapist. Pregnancy. Never treat pregnant women over the baby ​/​ foetus. Use indirect treatments and treat other areas of the body. Arm brushing and the 6 points on the face are safe. There is no known significant risk however certain Chinese acupoints have been used to turn babies in the womb prior to birth and to stimulate the birthing process. Cancer. Never treat directly over a cancer site treat other areas of the body instead and allow the body to redistribute the energy as needed. The main risk is associated with severe legal restrictions regarding cancer treatment, prohibiting all cancer treatments except radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery. Thrombosis. Thrombotic blood clots can be treated successfully with Scenar, however for this the main issue is never to brush towards the heart. My suggestion is to avoid brushing altogether and simply to treat using pads (e.g. on the soles of the feet for blood clots in the legs. The issue is not the SCENAR as such but the mechanics of brushing dislodging the blood clots. Also: Avoid treating 2 hours before or after a bath or shower, these activities affect the skin conductivity, lessening the effectiveness of treatment.

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