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Brown's Gas Device (energetic hydrogen)

Brown’s Gas Hydroxy HHO, Hydroxy or Brown’s Gas is a special combination of hydrogen and oxygen in the form of a gas produced from water. Hydroxy is typically used in 3 ways: consumed by drinking infused water; breathed through the nose via a cannula; or applied to the skin for the treatment of everything from warts to wounds. Safety considerations Hydroxy is more complicated and critical to use than the other items on here, so proper training is required (and included). This is because the gas is explosive so special precautions need to be used, so only very tiny amounts are used which when breathed mixes with air so what is going in to the lungs is no longer explosive. So you can’t smoke near hydroxy or use it near naked flames and you need to be aware of static electricity igniting the pure gas as it is generated by the machine. There is also an important safety issue with respect to the fact that this device, which we believe is unique if not very unusual, uses a strong alkaline electrolyte which you do not want to breathe. Safe usage, including considering the weight of the patient vs the flow of the gas are all part of the training, which is given remotely by a carefully selected UK provider. We selected them because of their clear expertise in the subject area and focus on training and support. Hydroxy offers a wide range of regenerative health benefits, and it is officially recognised as an effective and wide-ranging medical treatment for many illnesses in Japan and China. Brown’s Gas is the best option, being highly regenerative and used by all the cells in the body. In Japan this is officially a medicine, being used to treat hundreds of chronic illnesses and the best way of obtaining this hydrogen is by breathing it, which is not limited to the amount of water an individual can drink each day. Most people are familiar with the importance of oxygen in the body, less so hydrogen which is produced in a bioavailable form by the gut bacteria and used by all the cells of the body. A healthy body produces around 120l of hydrogen every 24 hours, weighing under a gram. In Japan, it was found that there is a significant drop in the exhalation of bioavailable hydrogen in the days before death. This Brown's gas ystem creates a gaseous mixture of Hydrogen & Oxygen, the key nutrients for all ‘water based’ life. Hydroxy gives true hydration. Hydroxy contains a trifecta of nutrients for the body. It will be despatched upon successful completion of training. If you are sharing the system with someone, please ask them to get in touch with us to complete training in order for them to use the equipment safely. The Infinity device offers the options of applying Brown’s Gas to the skin, drinking it in infused water, and inhalation. If you are producing your own hydroxy gas or infused water, then you also need a water distiller, so add this to your basket as well if needed. In terms of the types of gasses produced (monatomic, hydrogen diatomic, hydrogen, h2o as water vapour, H302, which is hydrogel, electrically expanded water, which is probably linked to the creation of EZ gel), we consider this Brown’s Gas device to be the optimal option for health effects. We also offer a safer option involving less user expertise, which is inhalable hydrogen and oxygen gas. This is easier to use in a home environment, and it still offers considerable health benefits, including rejuvenation effects. We also have a Proton Exchange Membrane hydroxy option, which has no significant safety implications, still offers the benefits of HHO ​/​ hydroxy inhalation, and is easier to use in a home environment. Price includes membership, project donation and sponsorship. €3,230 (the price includes free UK shipping including remote training prior to dispatch of this item).

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