Soft laser package with 660 and 808Nm probes
These low powered lasers for home use have the benefit of thousands of studies proving a plethora of health effects. Some lasers are better than others when combining them with a healing fusion effect using the electrical energy healing and regenerative technologies from the Russian space medicine programme. The laser we use is only available as a used item, and a rare one. It is our preferred device for bites, stings, burns and a variety other issues as it works particularly well in combination with the electrical adaptive stimulators we use, which are also regenerative. Laser effects: - Increased Leukocyte activity. - Increased macrophage activity. - Increased vascular regeneration. - Increased fibroblast proliferation. - Increased osteoblastic proliferation. - Early cell regeneration. - Re-energises cellular membranes. - Enhanced cell differentiation. - Enhanced immune system. - Increased collagen formation (used for cosmetology). - Increases tensile strength. - Accelerated wound healing. Stimulates bone and tissue regeneration. - Modulates inflammatory processes and can significantly reduce acute inflammation, with subsequent effect on pain. - Re-energises sick and injured cellular membranes, supporting uptake of nutrients and oxygen, and expulsion of respiratory by-products. - Particularly important for treating proprioception, which has a profound impact upon the regulatory systems of the entire body. (TMJ areas.) - Stimulates T-cells, vital for immune system performance. - Relaxes muscles. - Supports nerve regeneration. - Supports heart regeneration (after heart attacks). - Enhances heart rate variability and associated stress reduction. - Supports diabetes management. - Excellent for many kinds of bites and stings. - Excellent for pain and inflammation. - Excellent for killing bacteria, and for those out of the killing zone, driving them in to the bloodstream to be dealt with by leukocytes. - Photobiomodulation: (light controls many processes in the body, including the circadian rhythm. Head treatments are therefore strongly indicated for general health improvement. - Cosmetology and wrinkle removal. This laser is supplied as a package with rare 660 and 808Nm probes included. €6,500 Euro's (Includes free shipping to the US and Canada) - second hand device only, now unavailable.