INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Click on link 2. Enter login id: 9890008425 3. Click on SELECT STYLE 4. Select Sound to play through smartphone/speaker 5. Click WATER to charge Water - Click COIL to use it with PEMFunit 6. Adjust volume to 20% or less until barely audible Link to Access: Total Duration: 18:00 Minutes MOOLADHAR / ROOT CHAKRA The Earth Element Sitting at the root, the Muladhara Chakra is connected to the earth element. It provides us with a sense of balance, foundation and purpose. When balanced and energy is free-flowing, the Root Chakra allows us to be more calm, centered and balanced. Emotions and thoughts are positive, stable and in harmony. The Color Red The Root Chakra is associated with the color red, which denotes power, bravery and self-awareness. The color brings us a sense of belonging, community and provides vitality and strength. Energy of the Root Chakra The Root Chakra stores positivity, stability and connection. It allows us to channel our inner needs for belonging by connecting with our surroundings. It allows us to take care of our well-being, physically, mentally and emotionally. The Root Chakra gives us the opportunity to let go of fear. How to use: 1. SOUND: a) With Smartphone: play the healing, *reduce the volume to 20% or less (barely audible) and keep the smartphone in your pocket b) With Speakers: Connect the speaker to your phone,Play the healing and keep the speaker on *affected area or your umbilicus* , adjust the volume as per your comfort. 2. WATER: charge your water /oils/creams using PEMF coil or speakers : keep the PEMF coil or speaker over the glass of water/oil/cream. keep volume 100% of your smartphone 3. COIL (Electromagnetic coil): with PEMF emitters attached to your smartphone. keep volume of smartphone 100% Disclaimer Sound Wellness (sound healing / sound therapy) is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from a physician or health care professional. Sound Wellness is designed to enhance your total wellness, and should be used in conjunction with your traditional medical care. Please check with your doctor or health care professional about using sound healing to complement your medical treatment (if any). By Dr. Kedar
Healing Frequency Link